Bo Joel Svensson
blog (dot) joel (dot) svensson (at) gmail (dot) com

Defunctionalization of a Continuation-Passing Style Evaluator

LispBM evaluates expressions in a way that is strongly influenced by the lisperator blog. The evaluator described at is written in so-called continuation passing style (CPS) and implemented in java script (if my memory does not fail me). Java script supports higher order functions (HOFs) which makes CPS more pleasant to work with (it's never entirely pleasant, at least not for me, it feels like a very backwards and roundabout way to think). LispBM is implemented in C, so there are no nice HOFs to work with. Some workaround is needed.

Defunctionalization is a transformation one can apply to code that uses HOFs resulting in new code with no HOFs, a first order program. The defunctionalization transformation can be automated, for example as part of a compiler, but in this text it will be used as a manual transformation of a higher order evaluator into a first order evaluator. The resulting first order evaluator can then be used as a recipe for the implementation of the same thing in C.

For more information about defunctionalization see Defunctionalization at Work by Danvy and Nielsen or Definitional interpreters for higher-order programming languages by John C. Reynolds. Also see the blog post What is Defunctionalization.

Defunctionalization transforms lambdas (functions) into data together with a function for interpretation of that data. Let's look at those details when we start applying the method ;)

Implementation of a Mini-Lisp Evaluator in LispBM

The example used here will be a miniature lisp implemented in continuation passing style in LispBM. The mini-lisp will have a small set of operations +,-,* and =, it will allow definition in a global environment using define, sequencing of operations using progn, conditionals using if and allow function abstraction using lambdas. Evaluation of a lambda results in a closure.

The mini-lisp evaluation function will be called evalk and takes 3 arguments, env, exp and k. The env argument maintains local environments and will be used when evaluating inside of a closure application, exp is the expression to evaluate and k is the continuation. Using evalk to evaluate an expression looks as follows in the LispBM REPL:

# (evalk nil '(+ 1 2) done)
> 3

The env argument will most likely be nil (empty) when starting evaluation and the continuation will be done. The done function is applied to the result of evaluating (+ 1 2) as the very last step of evaluation and is implemented as the identity function. evalk calls itself recursively and those calls may have way more interesting env and k arguments.

Let's jump right in, start thinking upside down, backwards and inside-out and implement the evalk function.

(defun evalk (env exp k)
  (if (is-operator exp)
      (k exp)
    (if (is-symbol exp)
        (let ((res (assoc env exp)))
          (if (eq res nil)
              (k (assoc global-env exp))
            (k res)))
      (if (is-number exp)
          (k exp)
        (match exp
               ((progn  . (? ls)) (eval-progn  env ls k))
               ((define . (? ls)) (eval-define env ls k))
               ((lambda . (? ls)) (eval-lambda env ls k))
               ((if . (? ls))     (eval-if env ls k))
               ((?cons ls)        (eval-list env ls nil
                                               (apply env rs k))))

The evalk function has 4 main cases. If the expression we evaluate is an operator (one or +, -, * and =) there is no more evaluation we do to that, so apply the continuation. What it means to apply the continuation to the operator is quite unclear for now. Most likely an operator will appear as the first element in a list (that is how lisps work), so the continuation k in this case will likely be something related to evaluation of lists or expressions which is the lisp way of expression application. So eventually following the k continuation will end up applying the operator to some arguments.

The next case checks if exp is a symbol. In this case we check if there is a value bound to the symbol in either the global or the local environment and then apply the continuation to the result of looking the symbol up in the environment). For example, (+ a 2) should evaluate to the sum of whatever number a is associated with in the environment and 2.

Next is another case where there is not much to do. If exp is a number, apply the continuation to that number.

The rest of the evalk function is more interesting. This part is expressed using pattern matching on exp and exp is assumed to be a list .

        (match exp
               ((progn  . (? ls)) (eval-progn  env ls k))
               ((define . (? ls)) (eval-define env ls k))
               ((lambda . (? ls)) (eval-lambda env ls k))
               ((if . (? ls))     (eval-if env ls k))
               ((?cons ls)        (eval-list env ls nil
                                               (apply env rs k))))

(progn . (? ls)) is a pattern that matches lists where the symbol progn is the first element. The rest of the list is bound to ls. So if exp is (progn (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)) then ls is ((+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)). If there is a match here eval-progn is called with arguments env, ls and k. The define, lambda and if cases are all expressed the same.

The fifth case (?cons ls) matches any list and binds that list to ls. In this final case eval-list is called and now the continuation is more interesting. The continuation passed to eval-list takes one argument called rs and this argument will be a list with the results of evaluating all of the expressions in ls. So, when this continuation is invoked, each element of the list will have been evaluated and as a list in lisp means application, we can now proceed with the application of the first element of the list to the rest of the list. This is done using the apply function.

There are a lot of functions called from evalk that are yet to be defined. Let's take a look at apply first.

(defun apply (env ls k)
  (let ((f (car ls)))
    (if (is-operator f)
        (k (eval ls))
      (if (is-closure f)
          (apply-closure env ls k)

apply starts out with calling the head of the input list ls f as we are going to assume it is a function of some kind. f can be either one of the built in operators or it can be a closure. If f is an operator we cheat here and calls LispBM's eval function to evaluate the operator application. That is what will happen in case the list is for example (+ 1 2). If the f is a closure we instead call an apply-closure function to deal with the list ls. Closures are created when a lambda is evaluated so let's return to apply-closure later.

Let's look at eval-progn, eval-define, eval-lambda, eval-if and eval-list now. All of these functions each take 3 arguments, an environment, a list of arguments and the continuation, except eval-list that takes an additional argument to accumulate an evaluated list into.

(defun eval-progn (env args k)
  (match args
         (nil (k nil))
         (((? l) . nil) (evalk env l k))
         (((? l) . (? ls))
          (evalk env l
                 (lambda (x)
                   (eval-progn env ls k)))))

eval-progn is implemented using pattern matching on three cases, the empty list nil, a list with exactly one element ((? l) . nil) and a general non-empty list case ((? l) . (? ls)).

If the list of arguments is empty then someone wrote the program (progn) which doesn't really do very much. In this case we consider the result to be nil and apply the continuation to nil.

If There is just one element in the list the evaluator evalk is called on this element.

in the general list case (that here will match for lists with at least 2 elements) calls evalk with the first element in this list and a continuation that again goes back to the eval-progn function to continue evaluating the sequence of expressions. eval-progn is recursive in a roundabout way via the continuation passed to evalk.

Note that progn-cont ignores the x argument. This is related to what progn means in a user program. progn evaluates a sequence of expression and throws away the results (except the result of the last expression which is the result of the entire progn block). The result of the previous expression in the progn sequence is exactly what you find in the x argument.

Next up is eval-define that adds a binding to a global environment.

(define global-env 'nil)

(defun eval-define (env args k)
  (let ((key (car args))
        (val (car (cdr args))))
    (evalk env val
           (lambda (x)
               (setvar 'global-env
                       (acons key x global-env))
               (k x))))))

The arguments list passed to eval-define should contain one symbol and one expression. The expression will be evaluated and the value will be associated with the symbol in the environment. eval-define starts out with renaming these two elements from the argument list to key and val.

The val expression needs to be evaluated so evalk is called on it and is passed a continuation that updates the global environment with the value of val bound to the key key. Note that the argument x in continuation function will is the result of evaluating val at the time this continuation gets invoked.

The continuation itself finally applies the original continuation k to x, the evaluated version of val. This means that the result of a define expression is considered to be val or concretely that the result of (define apa (+ 2 3)) is 5 and a side effect of the call is that the global env contains the mapping apa is 5.

For example:

# (evalk nil '(define apa (+ 2 3)) done)
> (+ 2 3)
# global-env
> ((apa . 5))

Functions, lambdas, are evaluated into closures in the eval-lambda function. A closure is very similar to a lambda but also contains an environment of bindings that were present at the place the lambda was created.

For example in (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (+ x y))) the x is a free variable from the point of the inner most lambda. When this inner lambda is converted into a closure, it needs an environment to tell it what the value of x is. In this interpreter, we just take the entire local environment and stick it into the closure.

(defun eval-lambda (env args k)
  (k (append (cons 'closure args) (list env))))

If the expression given to evalk was (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) then the args list given to eval-lambda will be ((x) (+ x 1)). What eval-lambda does is stick the symbol closure first in this list and then also adds the local environment to the end of the list resulting in (closure (x) (+ x 1) env). The continuation is then applied to the closure.

Now that we know how closures are made we can take a look at closure application that was left out earlier.

The apply-closure function is called from apply in the case where the first element of a list is a closure. So the expression given to apply closure is of the form ((closure parameters body env) arg1 ... argn)

(defun apply-closure (env ls k)
  (let ((clo  (car ls))
        (args (cdr ls))
        (ps (car (cdr clo)))
        (body (car (cdr (cdr clo))))
        (env1 (car (cdr (cdr (cdr clo)))))
        (arg-env (zip ps args))
        (new-env (add-bindings (append env1 env) arg-env)))
    (evalk new-env body k)))

The apply-closure function unpacks the input list and names the different parts. The next step is to create a new environment augmented with the parameters bound to the arguments arg1 ... argn together with the environment from the closure. The body is then evaluated in this newly constructed environment.

Conditionals are of the form (if cond-exp then-exp else-exp), so the args argument given to eval-if is a list of 3 elements.

(defun eval-if (env args k)
  (let ((cond-exp  (car args))
        (then-branch (car (cdr args)))
        (else-branch (car (cdr (cdr args)))))
    (evalk env cond-exp
           (lambda (x) (if x
                           (evalk env then-branch k)
                           (evalk env else-branch k))))))

The three elements of the list are given the names cond-exp, then-exp and else-branch as a first step in eval-if. Then evalk is called to evaluate the cond-exp. The continuation passed to evalk will, when it is invoked, either continue by evaluating the then or the else branch.

eval-list is just like eval-progn recursive via the continuation it creates and passes to evalk. Unlike progn eval-list needs to keep track of all of the results along this recursion.

(defun eval-list (env ls acc k)
  (if (eq ls nil)
      (k acc)
    (let (( l (car ls))
          ( r (cdr ls)))
      (evalk env l
             (lambda (x)
               (eval-list env r (append acc (list x)) k))))))

In eval-list ls is the list to evaluate and acc is where results are accumulated. If the ls list is empty we are done and can apply the continuation to acc. Otherwise, the first element of ls should be evaluated by evalk and the continuation will continue with another call to eval-list with the result of evaluating the first element appended to the the acc list.

Below you find the complete listing including all little helper functions that where not mentioned above (such as is-symbol and is-number).

(define global-env 'nil)

(defun is-number (e)
  (or (eq (type-of e) type-i)
      (eq (type-of e) type-u)))

(defun is-symbol (e)
  (eq (type-of e) type-symbol))

(defun is-operator (e)
  (or (eq e '+)
      (eq e '-)
      (eq e '=)
      (eq e '*)

(defun is-closure (e)
  (and (eq (type-of e) type-list)
       (eq (car e) 'closure)))

(defun add-bindings (env binds)
  (match binds
         (nil env)
         (((? b) . (? rs))
          (add-bindings (setassoc env b) rs))))

(defun done (e)

(defun eval-progn (env args k)
  (match args
         (nil (k nil))
         (((? l) . nil) (evalk env l k))
         (((? l) . (? ls))
          (evalk env l
                 (lambda (x)
                   (eval-progn env ls k)))))

(defun eval-define (env args k)
  (let ((key (car args))
        (val (car (cdr args))))
    (evalk env val
           (lambda (x)
               (setvar 'global-env
                       (acons key x global-env))
               (k val))))))

(defun eval-lambda (env args k)
  (k (append (cons 'closure args) (list env))))

(defun eval-if (env args k)
  (let ((cond-exp  (car args))
        (then-branch (car (cdr args)))
        (else-branch (car (cdr (cdr args)))))
    (evalk env cond-exp
           (lambda (x) (if x
                           (evalk env then-branch k)
                           (evalk env else-branch k))))))

(defun eval-list (env ls acc k)
  (if (eq ls nil)
      (k acc)
    (let (( l (car ls))
          ( r (cdr ls)))
      (evalk env l
             (lambda (x)
               (eval-list env r (append acc (list x)) k))))))

(defun apply-closure (env ls k)
  (let ((clo  (car ls))
        (args (cdr ls))
        (ps (car (cdr clo)))
        (body (car (cdr (cdr clo))))
        (env1 (car (cdr (cdr (cdr clo)))))
        (arg-env (zip ps args))
        (new-env (add-bindings (append env1 env) arg-env)))
    (evalk new-env body k)))

(defun apply (env ls k)
  (let ((f (car ls)))
    (if (is-operator f)
        (k (eval ls))
      (if (is-closure f)
          (apply-closure env ls k)

(defun evalk (env exp k)
  (if (is-operator exp)
      (k exp)
    (if (is-symbol exp)
        (let ((res (assoc env exp)))
          (if (eq res nil)
              (k (assoc global-env exp))
            (k res)))
      (if (is-number exp)
          (k exp)
        (match exp
               ((progn  . (? ls)) (eval-progn  env ls k))
               ((define . (? ls)) (eval-define env ls k))
               ((lambda . (? ls)) (eval-lambda env ls k))
               ((if . (? ls))     (eval-if env ls k))
               ((?cons ls)        (eval-list env ls nil
                                               (apply env rs k))))

Defunctionalizing the Evaluator

The defunctionalized version of the evaluator is called evald and it also takes three arguments, env, exp and k. The k argument is however not a function anymore, here k is a data-structure.

evald and evalk are very similar, but note that where evalk does (k exp), evald instead does apply-cont k exp. Here `apply-cont is a kind of evaluator for the continuation data-structure.

(defun evald (env exp k)
  (if (is-operator exp)
      (apply-cont k exp)
    (if (is-symbol exp)
        (let ((res (assoc env exp)))
          (if (eq res nil)
              (apply-cont k (assoc global-env exp))
            (apply-cont k res)))
      (if (is-number exp)
          (apply-cont k exp)
        (match exp
               ((progn  . (? ls)) (eval-progn  env ls k))
               ((define . (? ls)) (eval-define env ls k))
               ((lambda . (? ls)) (eval-lambda env ls k))
               ((if . (? ls))     (eval-if env ls k))
               ((?cons ls)        (eval-list env ls nil
                                             (list 'application-cont env k)))

One last difference between evalk and the defunctionalized evald is in the (?cons ls) case, where eval-list is called. The continuation argument to eval-list is now a list containing the symbol application-cont an environment and the input continuation k. The list (application-cont env k) is data that should later be evaluated by the apply-cont function. So we need to add a first case to that function to handle lists where the first element is application-cont:

(defun apply-cont (k exp)
  (match k
         ((application-cont (? env) (? k1))
          (apply env exp k1))))

If the application-cont case matches, the apply function is applied. This function is very similar to before but where the old one applies continuation functions, this one must interpreter continuation data, notice that apply calls apply-cont to interpret continuation objects.

(defun apply (env ls)
   (let ((f (car ls)))
     (if (is-operator f)
         (apply-cont (eval ls))
         (if (is-closure f)
             (apply-closure env ls)

eval-progn, eval-define, eval-lambda, eval-if and eval-list must be given new implementations to work on continuation data now, rather than continuation functions.

Let's look at how defunctionalization works by comparing the previous implementation of eval-progn with the transformed one.

Original: eval-progn

(defun eval-progn (env args k)
  (match args
         (nil (k nil))
         (((? l) . nil) (evalk env l k))
         (((? l) . (? ls))
          (evalk env l
                 (lambda (x)
                   (eval-progn env ls k)))))

To defunctionlize the continuation (lambda (x) (eval-progn env ls k)) we come up with a name progn-cont to identify it. Inside the function env, ls and k are free, these will be needed when we interpret the progn-cont data. So the complete data object we create for this continuation is (list 'progn-cont env ls k). A list containing the identification of the kind of continuation and the arguments needed to later interpret it.

Defunctionalized: eval-progn

(defun eval-progn (env args k)
  (match args
         (nil (apply-cont k nil))
         (((? l) . nil) (evald env l k))
         (((? l) . (? ls))
          (evald env l
                 (list 'progn-cont env ls k)))))

Now eval-progn creates a data-structure and passes that one on to evald and at some point that data will need to be interpreted by the apply-cont function. There will be a case in apply-cont for each of the different continuation identities that we make up as we progress.

apply-cont takes two arguments a continuation data-structure and an expression and pattern matches on the continuation data.

(defun apply-cont (k exp)
  (match k
         ((application-cont (? env) (? k1))
          (apply env exp k1))
         ((progn-cont (? env) (? ls) (? k1)) (eval-progn env ls k1))))

If the case for progn-cont is matched, eval-progn is called recursively. Note that the right hand side in the progn-cont case is identical to the body of the original continuation function before defunctionalization (Also note that this time it is a call to the new defunctionalized eval-progn).

So the defunctionalization process can be summarized as:

  1. Come up with a name for to identify the function (replace lambda with data)
  2. Collect the free variables in the body of the lambda in a list together with the identifier
  3. Add a case to apply-cont that matches on the data and has a right hand side identical to the body of the original lambda.

Let's proceed and look at eval-define

Original: eval-define

(defun eval-define (env args k)
  (let ((key (car args))
        (val (car (cdr args))))
    (evalk env val
           (lambda (x)
               (setvar 'global-env
                       (acons key x global-env))
               (k x))))))

We pick an identifier, define-cont and find the free variables key and k. global-env is a global so no need to also add that to the data structure.

Defunctionalized: eval-define

(defun eval-define (env args k)
  (let ((key (car args))
        (val (car (cdr args))))
    (evald env val
           (list 'define-cont key k))))

And again the apply-cont gets a new case and we copy over the body from the lambda to the right hand side in the match.

(defun apply-cont (k exp)
  (match k
         ((application-cont (? env) (? k1))
          (apply env exp k1))
         ((progn-cont (? env) (? ls) (? k1)) (eval-progn env ls k1))
         ((define-cont (? key) (? k1))
            (setvar 'global-env (acons key exp global-env))
            (apply-cont k1 exp)))))

When we look at eval-lambda we notice that it does not create a new continuation but rather just applies one, so no defunctionalization to do here. Just have to remember that continuations are now data-structures that need to be interpreted.

Original: eval-lambda

(defun eval-lambda (env args k)
  (k (append (cons 'closure args) (list env))))

New: eval-lambda

(defun eval-lambda (env args k)
  (apply-cont k (append (cons 'closure args) (list env))))

As there was no continuation to defunctionalize in eval-lambda, no case is added to apply-cont.

The eval-list function is transformed in a now familiar way.

Original: eval-list

(defun eval-list (env ls acc k)
  (if (eq ls nil)
      (k acc)
    (let (( l (car ls))
          ( r (cdr ls)))
      (evalk env l
             (lambda (x)
               (eval-list env r (append acc (list x)) k))))))

We invent the name list-cont and find that env, r, acc and k are free so we build the list (list 'list-cont env r acc k).

Defunctionalized: eval-list

(defun eval-list (env ls acc k)
  (if (eq ls nil)
      (apply-cont k acc)
      (let (( l (car ls))
            ( r (cdr ls)))
        (evald env l
               (list 'list-cont env r acc k)))))

Add a pattern to apply-cont that matches a (list-cont ...) list and copies the body of the original lambda into the right hand side of the pattern match.

(defun apply-cont (k exp)
  (match k
         ((application-cont (? env) (? k1))
          (apply env exp k1))
         ((progn-cont (? env) (? ls) (? k1)) (eval-progn env ls k1))
         ((define-cont (? key) (? k1))
            (setvar 'global-env (acons key exp global-env))
            (apply-cont k1 exp)))
         ((list-cont (? env) (? r) (? acc) (? k1))
          (eval-list env r (append acc (list exp)) k1))))

Almost done with defunctionalizing the entire evaluator now just a few more steps. Conditionals!

Original: eval-if

(defun eval-if (env args k)
  (let ((cond-exp  (car args))
        (then-branch (car (cdr args)))
        (else-branch (car (cdr (cdr args)))))
    (evalk env cond-exp
           (lambda (x) (if x
                           (evalk env then-branch k)
                           (evalk env else-branch k))))))

Pick the name if-cont to identify this continuation data and collect the free variables env, then-branch, else-branch and k.

Defunctionalized: eval-if

(defun eval-if (env args k)
  (let ((cond-exp  (car args))
        (then-branch (car (cdr args)))
        (else-branch (car (cdr (cdr args)))))
    (evald env cond-exp
           (list 'if-cont env then-branch else-branch k))))

Add a case to the match expression in apply-cont that recognizes if-cont data and executes the appropriate code.

(defun apply-cont (k exp)
  (match k
         ((application-cont (? env) (? k1))
          (apply env exp k1))
     ((progn-cont (? env) (? ls) (? k1)) (eval-progn env ls k1))
         ((define-cont (? key) (? k1))
            (setvar 'global-env (acons key exp global-env))
            (apply-cont k1 exp)))
         ((list-cont (? env) (? r) (? acc) (? k1))
          (eval-list env r (append acc (list exp)) k1))
         ((if-cont (? env) (? then-branch) (? else-branch) (? k1))
          (if exp
              (evald env then-branch k1)
            (evald env else-branch k1)))))

Now we are mostly done, except we need a continuation object to represent that there is nothing else to do and the computation is done. Let's call this continuation done.

(defun apply-cont (k exp)
  (match k
         (done exp)
         ((application-cont (? env) (? k1))
          (apply env exp k1))
     ((progn-cont (? env) (? ls) (? k1)) (eval-progn env ls k1))
         ((define-cont (? key) (? k1))
            (setvar 'global-env (acons key exp global-env))
            (apply-cont k1 exp)))
         ((list-cont (? env) (? r) (? acc) (? k1))
          (eval-list env r (append acc (list exp)) k1))
         ((if-cont (? env) (? then-branch) (? else-branch) (? k1))
          (if exp
              (evald env then-branch k1)
            (evald env else-branch k1)))))

The last pattern added to apply-cont matches the symbol done and the result is the exp argument. Computation is done.

Let's try the defunctionalized evaluator out a bit:

# global-env
> nil
# (evald nil '(define apa 1) 'done)
> 1
# global-env 
> ((apa . 1))

Note that done is now just a symbol.

# (evald nil '(+ apa 100) 'done)
> 101

Below you find the complete code for the defunctionalized continuation-passing style evaluator!

(define global-env 'nil)

(defun is-number (e)
  (or (eq (type-of e) type-i)
      (eq (type-of e) type-u)))

(defun is-symbol (e)
  (eq (type-of e) type-symbol))

(defun is-operator (e)
  (or (eq e '+)
      (eq e '-)
      (eq e '=)
      (eq e '*)

(defun is-closure (e)
  (and (eq (type-of e) type-list)
       (eq (car e) 'closure)))

(defun add-bindings (env binds)
  (match binds
         (nil env)
         (((? b) . (? rs))
          (add-bindings (setassoc env b) rs))))

(defun eval-progn (env args k)
  (match args
         (nil (apply-cont k nil))
         (((? l) . nil) (evald env l k))
         (((? l) . (? ls))
          (evald env l
                 (list 'progn-cont env ls k)))))

(defun eval-define (env args k)
  (let ((key (car args))
        (val (car (cdr args))))
    (evald env val
           (list 'define-cont key k))))

(defun eval-lambda (env args k)
  (apply-cont k (append (cons 'closure args) (list env))))

(defun eval-if (env args k)
  (let ((cond-exp  (car args))
        (then-branch (car (cdr args)))
        (else-branch (car (cdr (cdr args)))))
    (evald env cond-exp
           (list 'if-cont env then-branch else-branch k))))

(defun eval-list (env ls acc k)
  (if (eq ls nil)
      (apply-cont k acc)
      (let (( l (car ls))
            ( r (cdr ls)))
        (evald env l
               (list 'list-cont env r acc k)))))

(defun apply-closure (env ls k)
  (let ((clo  (car ls))
        (args (cdr ls))
        (ps (car (cdr clo)))
        (body (car (cdr (cdr clo))))
        (env1 (car (cdr (cdr (cdr clo)))))
        (arg-env (zip ps args))
        (new-env (add-bindings (append env1 env) arg-env)))
    (evald new-env body k)))

(defun apply (env ls k)
   (let ((f (car ls)))
     (if (is-operator f)
         (apply-cont k (eval ls))
         (if (is-closure f)
             (apply-closure env ls k)

(defun apply-cont (k exp)
  (match k
         (done exp)
         ((progn-cont (? env) (? ls) (? k1)) (eval-progn env ls k1))
         ((define-cont (? key) (? k1))
            (setvar 'global-env (acons key exp global-env))
            (apply-cont k1 exp)))
         ((list-cont (? env) (? r) (? acc) (? k1))
          (eval-list env r (append acc (list exp)) k1))
         ((application-cont (? env) (? k1))
          (apply env exp k1))
         ((if-cont (? env) (? then-branch) (? else-branch) (? k1))
          (if exp
              (evald env then-branch k1)
            (evald env else-branch k1)))))

(defun evald (env exp k)
  (if (is-operator exp)
      (apply-cont k exp)
    (if (is-symbol exp)
        (let ((res (assoc env exp)))
          (if (eq res nil)
              (apply-cont k (assoc global-env exp))
            (apply-cont k res)))
      (if (is-number exp)
          (apply-cont k exp)
        (match exp
               ((progn  . (? ls)) (eval-progn  env ls k))
               ((define . (? ls)) (eval-define env ls k))
               ((lambda . (? ls)) (eval-lambda env ls k))
               ((if . (? ls))     (eval-if env ls k))
               ((?cons ls)        (eval-list env ls nil
                                             (list 'application-cont env k)))

We now have a first order program for evaluation of mini-lisp programs in continuation passing style.

Making the Stack Explicit

If we look at the continuation objects created in the previous section:

(list 'application-cont env k)
(list 'progn-cont env ls k)
(list 'define-cont key k)
(list 'if-cont env then-branch else-branch k)
(list 'list-cont env r acc k)

All of these, except for done is a list, where the last element is k. The k here is itself a continuation. So continuations in the defunctionalized interpreter is a list of lists or in other words a list of continuation objects. done takes the role of a terminating nil value.

If we look at the functions that create continuations we can see that each of these functions only ever add a new continuation object to the head of this continuation list.

And if we then look at apply-cont we see that it processes the continuation at the head of the list.

So, what we really have is a stack of continuation objects and this last version of the interpreter makes that stack of continuations explicit.

Let's first add a stack abstraction and then go through a few examples:

(define stack 'nil)

(defun push (v)
  (setvar 'stack (cons v stack)))

(defun pop ()
  (let ((r (car stack)))
      (setvar 'stack (cdr stack))

The code above defines a stack and the operations push, for adding to the top and pop, for removing the and returning the top element. As the stack defined here is global, there is no need to pass the k argument around everywhere in the new evaluator called eval-stack. So eval-stack` takes just two arguments, an environment and an expression.

Defunctionalized: eval-progn

(defun eval-progn (env args k)
  (match args
         (nil (apply-cont k nil))
         (((? l) . nil) (evald env l k))
         (((? l) . (? ls))
          (evald env l
                 (list 'progn-cont env ls k)))))

Explicit Stack: eval-progn

(defun eval-progn (env args)
  (match args
         (nil (apply-cont nil))
         (((? l) . nil) (eval-stack env l))
         (((? l) . (? ls))
            (push (list 'progn-cont env ls))
            (eval-stack env l)))))

The explicit stack version of eval-progn, pushes the object (list 'progn-cont env ls) (note there is no k in there).

When it is time to interpret the continuation, apply-cont pops the top of the stack and interprets it.

(defun apply-cont (exp)
  (let (( k (pop)))
    (match k
           (done exp)
           ((progn-cont (? env) (? ls)) (eval-progn env ls))
           ((define-cont (? key))
              (setvar 'global-env (acons key exp global-env))
              (apply-cont exp)))
           ((list-cont (? env) (? r) (? acc))
            (eval-list env r (append acc (list exp))))
           ((application-cont (? env))
            (apply env exp))
           ((if-cont (? env) (? then-branch) (? else-branch))
            (if exp
                (eval-stack env then-branch)
                (eval-stack env else-branch))))))

Below you can find the code for the explicit stack evaluator.

(define global-env 'nil)

(define stack 'nil)

(defun push (v)
  (setvar 'stack (cons v stack)))

(defun pop ()
  (let ((r (car stack)))
      (setvar 'stack (cdr stack))

(defun is-number (e)
  (or (eq (type-of e) type-i)
      (eq (type-of e) type-u)))

(defun is-symbol (e)
  (eq (type-of e) type-symbol))

(defun is-operator (e)
  (or (eq e '+)
      (eq e '-)
      (eq e '=)
      (eq e '*)

(defun is-closure (e)
  (and (eq (type-of e) type-list)
       (eq (car e) 'closure)))

(defun add-bindings (env binds)
  (match binds
         (nil env)
         (((? b) . (? rs))
          (add-bindings (setassoc env b) rs))))

(defun eval-progn (env args)
  (match args
         (nil (apply-cont nil))
         (((? l) . nil) (eval-stack env l))
         (((? l) . (? ls))
            (push (list 'progn-cont env ls))
            (eval-stack env l)))))

(defun eval-define (env args)
  (let ((key (car args))
        (val (car (cdr args))))
      (push (list 'define-cont key))
      (eval-stack env val))))

(defun eval-lambda (env args)
  (apply-cont (append (cons 'closure args) (list env))))

(defun eval-if (env args)
  (let ((cond-exp  (car args))
        (then-branch (car (cdr args)))
        (else-branch (car (cdr (cdr args)))))
      (push (list 'if-cont env then-branch else-branch))
      (eval-stack env cond-exp))))

(defun eval-list (env ls acc)
  (if (eq ls nil)
      (apply-cont acc)
      (let (( l (car ls))
            ( r (cdr ls)))
          (push (list 'list-cont env r acc))
          (eval-stack env l)))))

(defun apply-closure (env ls)
  (let ((clo  (car ls))
        (args (cdr ls))
        (ps (car (cdr clo)))
        (body (car (cdr (cdr clo))))
        (env1 (car (cdr (cdr (cdr clo)))))
        (arg-env (zip ps args))
        (new-env (add-bindings (append env1 env) arg-env)))
    (eval-stack new-env body)))

(defun apply (env ls)
   (let ((f (car ls)))
     (if (is-operator f)
         (apply-cont (eval ls))
         (if (is-closure f)
             (apply-closure env ls)

(defun apply-cont (exp)
  (let (( k (pop)))
    (match k
           (done exp)
           ((progn-cont (? env) (? ls)) (eval-progn env ls))
           ((define-cont (? key))
              (setvar 'global-env (acons key exp global-env))
              (apply-cont exp)))
           ((list-cont (? env) (? r) (? acc))
            (eval-list env r (append acc (list exp))))
           ((application-cont (? env))
            (apply env exp))
           ((if-cont (? env) (? then-branch) (? else-branch))
            (if exp
                (eval-stack env then-branch)
                (eval-stack env else-branch))))))

(defun evals (env exp)
    (setvar 'stack nil)
    (push 'done)
    (eval-stack env exp)))

(defun eval-stack (env exp)
  (if (is-operator exp)
      (apply-cont exp)
    (if (is-symbol exp)
        (let ((res (assoc env exp)))
          (if (eq res nil)
              (apply-cont (assoc global-env exp))
            (apply-cont res)))
      (if (is-number exp)
          (apply-cont exp)
        (match exp
               ((progn  . (? ls)) (eval-progn  env ls))
               ((define . (? ls)) (eval-define env ls))
               ((lambda . (? ls)) (eval-lambda env ls))
               ((if . (? ls))     (eval-if env ls))
               ((?cons ls)        (progn
                                    (push (list 'application-cont env))
                                    (eval-list env ls nil)))

Relation to LispBM

The approach to evaluation in LispBM is very similar to the explicit stack defunctionalized continuation-passing style evaluator defined in the section above, only it is implemented in C (and actually does some amount of error checking).

The continuation identities that exist in the LispBM implementation are many more of course:

#define ILLEGAL_CONT      ((0 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define DONE              ((1 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define IF                ((4 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define PROGN_REST        ((5 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define APPLICATION       ((6 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define AND               ((8 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define OR                ((9 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define WAIT              ((10 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define MATCH             ((11 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define MATCH_MANY        ((12 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define READ              ((13 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define EVAL_R            ((15 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define SET_VARIABLE      ((16 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define RESUME            ((17 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define EXPAND_MACRO      ((18 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define QUOTE_RESULT      ((19 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define COMMA_RESULT      ((22 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define DOT_TERMINATE     ((23 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define READ_DONE         ((26 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define CLOSURE_ARGS      ((27 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)
#define CLOSURE_APP       ((28 << LBM_VAL_SHIFT) | LBM_TYPE_U)

The part of LispBM that corresponds to eval-stack from above is implemented as a C switch statements:

  switch (lbm_type_of(ctx->curr_exp)) {

    lbm_value s;
    if (ctx->curr_exp == NIL) {
      ctx->app_cont = true;
      ctx->r = NIL;

    if (eval_symbol(ctx, &s)) {
      ctx->app_cont = true;
      ctx->r = s;

    if (dynamic_load_callback) {
  case LBM_TYPE_FLOAT: /* fall through */
  case LBM_TYPE_U32:
  case LBM_TYPE_U64:
  case LBM_TYPE_I32:
  case LBM_TYPE_I64:
  case LBM_TYPE_I:
  case LBM_TYPE_U:
  case LBM_TYPE_REF:
  case LBM_TYPE_STREAM: eval_selfevaluating(ctx);  return;

    head = lbm_car(ctx->curr_exp);

    if (lbm_type_of(head) == LBM_TYPE_SYMBOL) {

      lbm_uint sym_id = lbm_dec_sym(head);

      switch(sym_id) {
      case SYM_QUOTE:   eval_quote(ctx); return;
      case SYM_DEFINE:  eval_define(ctx); return;
      case SYM_PROGN:   eval_progn(ctx); return;
      case SYM_LAMBDA:  eval_lambda(ctx); return;
      case SYM_IF:      eval_if(ctx); return;
      case SYM_LET:     eval_let(ctx); return;
      case SYM_AND:     eval_and(ctx); return;
      case SYM_OR:      eval_or(ctx); return;
      case SYM_MATCH:   eval_match(ctx); return;
      case SYM_RECEIVE: eval_receive(ctx); return;
      case SYM_CALLCC:  eval_callcc(ctx); return;

      case SYM_MACRO:   /* fall through */
      case SYM_CONT:
      case SYM_CLOSURE: eval_selfevaluating(ctx); return;

      default: break; /* May be general application form. Checked below*/
    } // If head is symbol
     * At this point head can be a closure, fundamental, extension or a macro.
     * Anything else would be an error.
    lbm_value *reserved = lbm_stack_reserve(&ctx->K, 3);
    if (!reserved) {
    reserved[0] = ctx->curr_env;
    reserved[1] = lbm_cdr(ctx->curr_exp);
    reserved[2] = APPLICATION_START;

    ctx->curr_exp = head; // evaluate the function
    // BUG No applicable case!

And the part of LispBM that corresponds to apply-cont looks as follows.

if (ctx->app_cont) {
    lbm_value k;
    lbm_pop(&ctx->K, &k);
    ctx->app_cont = false;

    switch(k) {
    case DONE:              advance_ctx(); return;
    case SET_GLOBAL_ENV:    cont_set_global_env(ctx); return;
    case PROGN_REST:        cont_progn_rest(ctx); return;
    case WAIT:              cont_wait(ctx); return;
    case APPLICATION_ARGS:  cont_application_args(ctx); return;
    case AND:               cont_and(ctx); return;
    case OR:                cont_or(ctx); return;
    case BIND_TO_KEY_REST:  cont_bind_to_key_rest(ctx); return;
    case IF:                cont_if(ctx); return;
    case MATCH:             cont_match(ctx); return;
    case MATCH_MANY:        cont_match_many(ctx); return;
    case READ:              cont_read(ctx); return;
    case APPLICATION_START: cont_application_start(ctx); return;
    case EVAL_R:            cont_eval_r(ctx); return;
    case SET_VARIABLE:      cont_set_var(ctx); return;
    case RESUME:            cont_resume(ctx); return;
    case EXPAND_MACRO:      cont_expand_macro(ctx); return;
    case CLOSURE_ARGS:      cont_closure_application_args(ctx); return;

The LispBM evaluator was not created by first writing it all in some higher order language and then defunctionalizing it. It was all come up with quite ad-hoc and that was actually quite messy.

This experiment, of implementing a CPS evaluator in lisp and then defunctionalizing it and making the stack explicit was fun though. It also feels like I am a bit more confident about the LispBM evaluator implementation after performing this experiment.

Constructive feedback, discovered bugs, deeper insights or general comments are most welcome! Thank you.


Please contact me with questions, suggestions or feedback at blog (dot) joel (dot) svensson (at) gmail (dot) com or join the google group .

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